Monday, January 12, 2015

Supplements For Elderly People In 70's And Beyond

Dietary requirements changes when an individual ages. While experts recommend getting most of the nutrients from food, sometimes it is not possible. The digestive system of the human body becomes less efficient with aging and when an individual reaches 60's and 70's there becomes a limited ability to get sufficient nutrition from food alone. Before using any supplements it is always recommended to consult your doctor but here are few guidelines.

Vitamin B12:
Even a mild deficiency of vitamin B12 may put an adult at risk of dementia. This was studied and published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. The acid in the stomach which is required for the absorption of vitamin B12 declines with age and therefore a person may get vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is essential for optimal brain function and it is recommended for adults over the age of 50 years to get most of the vitamin B12 from supplements.
Recommended dose is 2.4 micrograms daily.

Vitamin D:
Vitamin d is essential during 70's. It helps protect against illness and infections. The ideal source of vitamin D is sunlight but unfortunately elderly people are either bed ridden or get out less frequently. Also the body's ability to synthesis vitamin D from sunlight decreases with aging. This defeciency can be prevented by taking supplements. The supplements that contain vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), an active form is more effective than its vitamin D2 counterpart.
Recommended dose is 800 IU daily.

When an individual hits the age of 70, the ability to build muscle mass deteriorates. With aging the appetite decreases but at the same time the protein need may increase. Protein is essential for normal function of the immune system . According to Randall J. Urban, chair of the Department of Internal medicine at the University of Texas medical branch Galveston " Once you lose more than 10 percent of your muscle mass, your immune system does't function properly". The good news is that
supplementing with protein powders or pills can increase lean body mass and muscle.
Recommended dose is 20-30 grams of whey protein powder mixed into a daily shake.

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