Monday, January 26, 2015

Anger Management Techniques

Everyone can get angry at some point in life. Anger is simply a human  emotion and it is completely normal to feel angry when you are mistreated or wronged. The feeling it self is not a problem but what you do and how you react when you are angry makes the difference.
When this emotion of anger becomes out of control it can turn destructive and can lead to problems at work, problems with relationships as well as effects the overall quality of your life. It can also be damaging to your mental as well as physical health.

Definition Of Anger: Anger may be defined as a very powerful emotion feeling that happens when some one is frustrated, hurt, annoyed or disappointed. Anger can either help you or hurt you depending on how you react to this feeling.

Anger Management Techniques: Anger management is a term used to describe the skills one can use to recognize the feeling of anger and to take appropriate actions to deal with the situation in a positive way. Below are describes a few techniques to help manage your anger:

1. Take a break as soon as you recognize that you are angry: If you get angry you can take a break by stopping what you are doing, getting away from whatever that is irritating you and creating the frustration. For example:

  • If you are angry at work step out of your room for a moment.
  • If you are upset on something or someone at home, go to a single occupancy space (like in a bathroom) for a while and think about something different.
  • If you find nowhere to go just close your eyes for a few seconds and think yourself in a peaceful environment.
2. Wait it Out and Let it Go: Research have shown that the neurological anger response lasts for only 2 seconds, beyond that it takes a commitment to stay angry. So it means you just need to control yourself from the negative effects of anger only for 2 seconds. Just count backwards from 10 and it will divert your mind for few seconds.

3. Try To Explore What is really Behind Your Anger: Although easier said then done but still finding out the reason behind your anger and why you get out of control and then fixing the main reason can help you manage your anger more effectively. 

4. Think Before You Speak: While you are angry it is always best to keep silent. During those moments of extreme rage sometimes you can say things for which you will have to regret forever. Take few moments to think before you speak out or better remain silent for a while until your emotions are more in control.

5. Breath Deeply: When you are extremely angry over something the body releases stress hormones that increase heart rate and respiration. Slow it down by controlling your breathing. Count to three as you inhale, hold the breath in your lungs for three more seconds, and count to three again as you exhale. Focus only on the numbers as you do this, and avoid thinking about whatever that made you angry. Repeat this relaxing techniques as many times as necessary. 

6. Identify Your Anger Warning Signs And Triggers: Although one might think that you can explode into anger without warning , but studies have shown that anger is in fact a normal physical response with physical warning signs in the body. Becoming aware of your own personal signs that you feel when angry can help take steps to manage before it gets out of control. 

7. Get some Exercise: Exercise and physical activity always have good effects on the human body. It helps reduce the stress that is making you angry or upset. 

8. Slowly Repeat A Calming Word Or A Phrase: It is one of the good methods to control your anger. When you are angry repeating words like, 'Take it easy', 'Just relax' , 'it is not a big deal' while breathing deeply will have very positive effect. 

9. Asking For Support From someone You Can Trust: Sometime you feel so hurt and disappointed over something that it seems impossible to get over the anger and frustration by your own self. Sharing your concerns with a close friend is sometimes very helpful. It give you an opportunity to express yourself. At times online support forums can be very helpful too. 

10. Help From A Professional Psychologist: Although not always needed , a professional psychologist can help you control your anger if you think it is negatively effecting the quality of your life. 

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