Monday, October 24, 2016

Different Ways Your Spouse Can Affect Your Health

Is your significant other keeping you health or making you sick? depends on the relationship and the personality of each partner.
The marriage vows says that the spouses will be together for each other in sickness and in health but some research now shows that marriage itself sometimes may determine whether you get ill or stay healthy. It is well own fact that a good marriage is better for your health but there are different ways your health may be affected by your spouse.
Some recent studies have shown that married couples are more likely to survive cancer and less likely to develop dementia or be hospitalized with pneumonia compared with unmarried adults.
Here are some of the ways your relationship with your spouse may affect your health and well being.

1. If you are married for decades: Couples married for long duration and living together without any conflicts begin to have striking similarities in their physiology. Even some say that they begin to resemble and look alike but regarding the health, longtime couples have almost similar kidney functions, cholesterol levels and general strength. A study conducted by the University of Michigan showed that more than 1500 older married couples had similar blood work results.
With time couples learn to live depending on each other emotionally and physically. They eat a similar diet, have almost same physical and sleep routines which may be the answer to these similarities.

2. If one of you is depressed: Your spouse's depression could raise your own risk of developing chronic pain and even getting depressed yourself. A study at University of Edinburgh showed that while chronic pain  is caused partly by a person's age and genetics it is also affected by partner's mental health. Caring for a depressed spouse can contribute to one's own chronic pain and fatigue.

3. If you nag your husband: May be he should thank you! A nagging wife may actually slow the development of diabetes and promote following the doctor's orders in a husband. Unfortunately this is not vice versa.  For men according to psychologists nagging means caring but however for women nagging is just nagging. Only a good marriage was related to a lower risk of having diabetes in women.

4. If your spouse is Optimist: Thinking of the glass as half-full is better for your health, and so is having an optimist spouse. Those couples where one partner had a positive outlook on life experienced fewer chronic illnesses, compared with couples whose partners were not optimist. They also had better mobility and motor skills.

5. If you argue a lot: Every relationship has its ups and downs, but the way you argue with your significant other could make you sick. If loud , angry outbursts is your style of arguing , watch out for heart problems and elevated blood pressure. If you tend to remain silent during arguments , it could turn into a pain in the neck, stiff muscle or a bad back.

6. If Your Significant other is an exerciser: Setting a good example by exercising and remaining physically active can influence your spouse to follow and stay active too. According to a study at John Hopkins University, when a wife began to exercise more, her husband was 70% more likely to also increase his activity; when a husband started exercising and meeting recommended goals , his wife was 40% likely to join as well.

7. If your spouse Is a Dieter: Perhaps some challenges like dieting , just should not be done together because studies has shown that couples who decided to diet together had a rougher time, as one partner's success may sometimes derail the other partner.

8. If your mate has health challenges: One spouse's bad health or habit can determine the health of the other. Research have shown that spouses of people with type 2 diabetes had a 26% higher risk of developing diabetes themselves well as higher risk for pre diabetes. It is most probably due to shared dietary habits and not enough exercise.

9. If you play the role of caregiver: It is not surprising that the stress of a health crisis or a significant chronic health issue in one partner can affect the health of the other.Stroke leading to paralysis and depending on the partner for basic needs have particularly a long lasting affect. The spouse acting as a caregiver may suffer from depression and chronic ill health due to neglecting oneself.

Enjoy your Relationship and stay happily Married to have a Healthy Life.

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