Monday, April 24, 2017

Kufr (Infidelity): Its Definition and Types

Kufr, linguistically means covering or concealing. Legally (in the Sharee'ah): antonym of Eemaan, for Kufr or infidelity is disbelieving in Allah and His Messenger (pbuh), whether the disbelief is associated with denial or not, rather with doubts, suspicion, aversion, jealousy, arrogance, or following some whims which deters from adhering to the Message. Even though the denier's infidelity is worse than others, so is the one who disbelieves and denies out of jealousy while he recognizes in his heart the veracity of the Messengers.

Types of Kufr:
The types of Kufr are two:

The first type: The greater Kufr which constitutes apostasy and is of five kinds:

1. Kufr of denial, as referred to in the following verse:
“And who is more unjust that he who forges a lie against Allah, or rejects the truth when it comes to him? Is there not an abode in Hell for those who disbelieve?” (Soorah  Al-Ankaboot Chapter 29 Verse 68)
 2. Kufr of arrogance with acknowledgement, as proven by the words of Allah, the Exalted:
“And when We said to the angels: 'Prostrate yourselves before Adam,' and they all prostrated except Iblees (Shaytaan), he refused and was proud and was on of the Kafireen (arrogant, disobedient to Allah).” ( Soorah Al-Baqarah Chapter 2 Verse 34)
 3. Kufr of doubtfulness, as mentioned in the Words of Allah:
“And he entered his garden while he was wronging himself (through arrogance). He said, 'I do not think this will ever perish; not do I think the Hour will ever come. And even if I am ever brought back to my Rabb, I shall, surely, find a better resort than this. His companion said to him while he was arguing with him, 'Do you disbelieve in Him Who created you from soil, then from a sperm-drop, then fashioned you into a perfect man? But as for me, I believe that Allah Alone is my Rub, and I will not ascribe a partner to my Rab.” (Soorah Al-Kahf Chapter 18 Verses 35-38)
 4. Kufr of aversion. Its proof:
“And those who disbelieve turn away from what they have been warned with aversion.” (Soorah Al- Ahqaf Chapter 46 verse 3)
 5. Kufr of hypocrisy, as proven by the Words of Allah:
“This is because they first believed, then  disbelieved. So a seal was set upon their hearts and consequently they do not understand.” ( Soorah Al-Munafiqeen Chapter 63 Verse 3)
 The Second Type: The minor Kufr, or the practical Kufr, does not constitute apostasy. This type of Kufr comprises of sins that are referred to in the Book and the Sunnah as Kufr, but do not reach the level of major Kufr, such is expressing ungratefulness to the favors of Allah , as Allah says:
“And Allah sets forth for you a parable of a city which enjoyed security and peace; its provision cam to it ease fully from everywhere; but it denied the favors of Allah.” ( Soorah an-Nahl Chapter 16 Verse 112)
Summary of the Differences between the major and minor Kufr:
1. The major Kufr constitutes apostasy, and nullifies the good deeds. While the minor Kufr neither constitutes apostasy not nullifies good deeds, but it diminishes them, and subjects one who commits it to the threatened punishment.
2. The major Kufr condemns one who commits it to eternal abode in Fire. While one who commits the minor Kufr, if he enters Fire, he would not remain in it eternally. It may be that Allah  forgives him, and he would not enter it in the first place.
3. The major Kufr justifies violating the blood and property of the one who commits it. While the minor Kufr does not.
4. The major Kufr makes it incumbent upon the believers to treat with enmity the one who commits it, thus, it is not permissible for the believers to love or befriend the one who commits it even if he is a very close relative. As for minor Kufr, it does not prevent loving and befriending him at all. Rather, he should be befriended proportionately to the Imaan he possesses and be abhorred proportionately to the disobedience he commits.

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