Monday, April 24, 2017

Managing Patients After A Suicidal Attempt

Urgent Psychiatric help and assessment is required for patients who are revived from a suicidal attempt. Attempted suicide is one of the greatest risk factor for a future completed suicide. Despite the known risk little is known about the effective methods and treatment to prevent a suicide to occur.

Some Statistics:
  • Suicide attempters have 66 times more risk of a completed suicide than the annual risk of suicide in the general population.
  • Approximately 15% of those who have attempted a suicide will re attempt it.
  • Suicide attempts and other forms of self injury without intent to die are estimated to occur at a rate of 300 persons per 100,000 per year.

1. Talking may prevent repeat suicide attempts: In studies done to prevent the repeated suicide attempts it shows that talking helps. The main goal of the talk therapy is to identify the thoughts and beliefs behind the attempt. It also helps in addressing the issues that lead to suicide attempt and the therapist may help the patient to adapt to and cope with the stress. Studies also show that the severity of depression decreases if the person talks and the feelings of hopelessness reduces.

2. Developing a strong supporting network: It is important to have a supportive network of friends and family that can help a person recover and protect from any future attempt for suicide.

3. Help the patient Take care of himself: Taking care of one own self both physically and mentally is very important. help the patient discover his hidden skills and use them. let the patient know that he is worth living and that it is important for him to live this life.

4. Cognitive behavioral therapy: is also very helpful for these patients and as the name suggests this form of psychotherapy address the problems, behavior and thoughts that are linked to committing a suicide. It aims to teach a suicidal person other ways to cope up with the stress he is facing and help them learn new ways to think about themselves and the world around them.

5. Addressing the problem that lead to suicide: It is very important to find out the main problem that has lead to an attempt for suicide. this problem can be addressed by talking to the patient, interviewing close friends and family members and once found should be tried to solved or at least controlled in some way.

6. Using medicines: Like antidepressant may be helpful but is not a quick solution as it takes time to take effect and the person may have an completed suicide long before the drug starts its action. also while prescribing medicines to suicidal patients it is important to take into consideration of attempting suicide with medicine overdose and should be taken care of accordingly.

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