Friday, May 26, 2017

Fasting - An Islamic Perspective

Fasting in the month of Ramadaan is one of the Pillars of Islam.

Fasting in Islam means abstaining from eating drinking, smoking, allowing anything to enter in the body and sexual Intercourse, from the break of dawn until sunset. 

However fasting does not only mean refraining from eating and drinking. Fasting is prescribed on us so that we may achieve Taqwa (Piety, Consciousness of Allah, Fear of Allah)

Allah the Most High said:
“O you who believe, fasting is prescribes for you as it was prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you that you may achieve Taqwa (Piety, Consciousness of Allah, Fear of Allah) [Surah Al-Baqarah Chapter 2 Verse 183)
 Aboo Umaamah said: I came to Allaah’s Messenger (pbuh) and asked, “Instruct me to do something which will put me in paradise,” and he replied, “You should fast for there is nothing equal to it.” When I came to him a second time, he said, “You should fast.”
Collected by Ahmad and an-Nasaa’ee [Saheeh Sunan an-Nasaa’ee, vol. 2, Hadidth no. 2099.]
(The Narrator: Aboo Umaamah: Aboo Umaamah’s actual name was Sudayy ibn ‘Ajlaan and he was among the companions who narrated many sayings of the Prophet (pbuh).

The reason for the superiority of fasting over other deeds is that riyaa (show off) does not take place in it as easily as it does in other deeds. Other deeds require actions while fasting requires intention
which is normally hidden from people.

Fasting of the Heart
The understanding of fasting among most people is to abstain from food, drinks and sexual intercourse from sunrise to sunset. That is fasting according to the letter of the law (Sharee‘ah). But the meaning of fasting and its goal and the greatness of fasting lies in the heart fasting from evil and
abandoning the corruptions of pride and jealousy.
It is sad to mention that some people although they pray and fast but their hearts are hardened, they don't speak truth, they are involved in haram business and riba as well as they do not estabilish good family relations.
So fasting in the month of Ramadan is a way to train people to improve themselves and the diseases of their hearts. Among the signs of the righteous in Ramadaan is the smile, good character, gentleness, visiting, returning greetings and maintaining good family relations.
For the heart to fast from false pride and vanity a person should be down to hearth and have to protect himself from arrogance and attitude.

Surah Hud Chapter 11 Verse 6

Monday, May 22, 2017

Surah Hud Chapter 11 Verse 3

Understanding The Basic Workup Done For Infertility

Infertility is defines as the failure to conceive after 1 year of unprotected intercourse in women under 35 years of age and after six months in women 35 or older
The workup for infertility begins with the clinical history and examination.

The ability of a couple to become pregnant depends on normal fertility in both the male and female partners and so both must be evaluated.
Although a variety of tests are available for evaluating female infertility, it may not be necessary to have all of these tests. Doctors usually begin with a medical history, a thorough physical examination, and some preliminary tests.

Medical History :
A woman's past health and medical history may provide some clues about the cause of infertility. Following questions are usually asked during the history:
  • Age at which menses started.
  • The duration of menstrual cycle and if its regular or not.
  • Any pain during periods / intercourse
  • Frequency of sexual intercourse
  • any history of illness /surgeries in the past
  • Any medications which the patient might be taking.
  • Any children from previous relationships (if any)
A physical examination usually includes a general examination, with special attention to any signs of hormone deficiency or signs of other conditions that might impair fertility. The points that are noticed include:
  • Pallor for anemia
  • Acne, excessive facial hair
  • Breast development
  • Pelvic examination for any masses. 
After a detailed clinical history and examination , doctor may need some basic investigations to find out the cause for infertility. These tests are explained below: 

1. Blood test for hormones: FSH, LH, estradiol, prolactin & AMH are done on day 1-3 of the menstrual cycle. 
FSH- Follicle stimulating hormone is one of the most important hormones in the normal menstural cycle. It helps in producing mature eggs by stimulating the ovaries. If the ovaries are not working and the eggs are not developing, the body response is to increases FSH production.
LH- Luteinizing hormone, again an important hormone that helps an egg to grow and be released once mature. 
The time when the egg is released from the ovary it is called ovulation. Ovulation can be tracked by urine testing strips which detect a rise in LH at the time of ovulation. 
Estradiol-is tested to check the quantity and quality of egg production. 
Prolactin- hormone is normally responsible to produce milk for breast feeding.This hormone naturally prevents conception by inhibiting ovulation in breast feeding mothers. If abnormally high without a woman breast feeding it may lead to irregular menstrual cycles and lack of ovulation. 
AMH- a recent test introduced to check ovarian reserve. If low means the woman is approaching menopause and chances to conceive are low. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

Understanding Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome
  (PCOS)  is a problem in which a woman's hormones are out of balance. It can cause problems with the periods and make it difficult to get pregnant.

Most women with PCOS grow many small cysts on their ovaries. That is why it is called polycystic ovary syndrome. The cysts are not harmful but lead to hormone imbalances.

The exact cause of polycystic ovary syndrome is unknown but doctors believe that hormonal imbalances and genetics play a role. Women are more likely to develop PCOS if their mother or sister also has the condition.

Risk factors for having PCOS are being overweight and not doing enough physical exercise.

Symptoms Of PCOS
Some of the symptoms of PCOS include:
 -Irregular menstrual cycle. Women with PCOS may miss periods or have fewer periods (fewer than eight in a year). Or, their periods may come every 21 days or more often. Some women with PCOS stop having menstrual periods.
 -Too much hair on the face, chin, or parts of the body where men usually have hair. This is called "hirsutism."
 -Acne on the face, chest, and upper back
 -Thinning hair or hair loss on the scalp.

 -Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
 -Darkening of skin, particularly along neck creases, in the groin, and underneath breasts
-  Difficulty in conceiving .

A Common Question: Can I get pregnant if i have PCOS?

Nifaq (Hypocrisy): Definition and Types

Linguistically, Nifaq is derived from the hole of raters or mice that is, articles holes in the grounds, when that animal is chased from one hole he would exit from another one, or it means a tunnel or a subterranean excavation used for hiding.

In the Sharee'ah: Nifaq (hypocrisy) means a pretense of loving Islam while concealing Kufr and evil. A hypocrite is given this appellation because he enters the religion from one door and exits from another.

Hence, Allah, the Exalted, cautioned against hypocrites saying:
“Verily, hypocrites are the rebellious.” (Soorah at-Tawbah Chapter 9 verse 67)
 And Allah, the Exalted, says:
“The hypocrites (think) that they deceive Allah when in fact it is Allah who deceives them.” ( Soorah an-Nisa Chapter 4 verse 142)
 Types of Hypocrisy:

Hypocrisy is of two types:

The first type: Doctrinal hypocrisy which is major hypocrisy; the one who upholds it displays Islam and conceals infidelity.

This type constitutes absolute apostasy, and condemns those who uphold it to the lowest level of Hell-Fire.

Allah  has described its people as possessing evil characteristics; such as Kufr, lack of Eemaan, derision of faith and its people and inclining entirely to the enemies of Islam for sharing their hostility. Such people exist in every age, particularly when Islam prevails and they cannot resist it publicly, therefore they pretend to be Muslims in order to plot against it and its people privately. And because they live with the Muslims, they ensure the safety of their blood and properties.

A hypocrite displays his belief in Allah  and His Angels and His Books and His Messengers and the Final Day, while in fact, he is far from believing in all that, rather the denies all that and does not believe in Allah.

Allah has uttered a speech which He revealed to a human and made him a messenger to mankind to guide them with His permission, threaten them, and warn them against His punishment. Allah has revealed those hypocrites and exposed their secrets in the Qur'aan and unveiled to His slaves the conditions of the hypocrites in order to be cautious against them.

In the beginning of Soorah al-Baqarah, Allah, the Exalted, classifies mankind into three categories;
  1. the believers, 
  2. the infidels and 
  3. the hypocrites. 
He revealed four verses with respect to the believers and two verses with respect to the infidels while he revealed thirteen verses with respect to the hypocrites due to their large number and severity of
their affliction and commonness of their deception, and severity of their hostility against Islam and its people. For the affliction Islam suffers through them is intensive because they are counted as Muslims and supporters of Islam, while in fact they are it enemies. They express their enmity to Islam in every form which the ignorant thinks of it as knowledge and reform, while in fact it is utter ignorance and corruption.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Managing Patients After A Suicidal Attempt

Urgent Psychiatric help and assessment is required for patients who are revived from a suicidal attempt. Attempted suicide is one of the greatest risk factor for a future completed suicide. Despite the known risk little is known about the effective methods and treatment to prevent a suicide to occur.

Some Statistics:
  • Suicide attempters have 66 times more risk of a completed suicide than the annual risk of suicide in the general population.
  • Approximately 15% of those who have attempted a suicide will re attempt it.
  • Suicide attempts and other forms of self injury without intent to die are estimated to occur at a rate of 300 persons per 100,000 per year.

1. Talking may prevent repeat suicide attempts: In studies done to prevent the repeated suicide attempts it shows that talking helps. The main goal of the talk therapy is to identify the thoughts and beliefs behind the attempt. It also helps in addressing the issues that lead to suicide attempt and the therapist may help the patient to adapt to and cope with the stress. Studies also show that the severity of depression decreases if the person talks and the feelings of hopelessness reduces.

2. Developing a strong supporting network: It is important to have a supportive network of friends and family that can help a person recover and protect from any future attempt for suicide.

3. Help the patient Take care of himself: Taking care of one own self both physically and mentally is very important. help the patient discover his hidden skills and use them. let the patient know that he is worth living and that it is important for him to live this life.

4. Cognitive behavioral therapy: is also very helpful for these patients and as the name suggests this

Kufr (Infidelity): Its Definition and Types

Kufr, linguistically means covering or concealing. Legally (in the Sharee'ah): antonym of Eemaan, for Kufr or infidelity is disbelieving in Allah and His Messenger (pbuh), whether the disbelief is associated with denial or not, rather with doubts, suspicion, aversion, jealousy, arrogance, or following some whims which deters from adhering to the Message. Even though the denier's infidelity is worse than others, so is the one who disbelieves and denies out of jealousy while he recognizes in his heart the veracity of the Messengers.

Types of Kufr:
The types of Kufr are two:

The first type: The greater Kufr which constitutes apostasy and is of five kinds:

1. Kufr of denial, as referred to in the following verse:
“And who is more unjust that he who forges a lie against Allah, or rejects the truth when it comes to him? Is there not an abode in Hell for those who disbelieve?” (Soorah  Al-Ankaboot Chapter 29 Verse 68)
 2. Kufr of arrogance with acknowledgement, as proven by the words of Allah, the Exalted:
“And when We said to the angels: 'Prostrate yourselves before Adam,' and they all prostrated except Iblees (Shaytaan), he refused and was proud and was on of the Kafireen (arrogant, disobedient to Allah).” ( Soorah Al-Baqarah Chapter 2 Verse 34)
 3. Kufr of doubtfulness, as mentioned in the Words of Allah:
“And he entered his garden while he was wronging himself (through arrogance). He said, 'I do not think this will ever perish; not do I think the Hour will ever come. And even if I am ever brought back to my Rabb, I shall, surely, find a better resort than this. His companion said to him while he was arguing with him, 'Do you disbelieve in Him Who created you from soil, then from a sperm-drop, then fashioned you into a perfect man? But as for me, I believe that Allah Alone is my Rub, and I will not ascribe a partner to my Rab.” (Soorah Al-Kahf Chapter 18 Verses 35-38)

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Top 10 Fruits For Patients With Diabetes

According to the American Diabetes Association, 25.8 million Americans have diabetes and by 2020 half of all Americans will suffer from this disease.

Diabetes causes high blood sugar (glucose) levels due to lack of insulin production or function. It is mainly classified as either Type 1, in which the body fails to produce insulin, or Type 2, in which the body is not able to properly use the insulin it produces.

It is essential to control diabetes because it can lead to a host of health complications including kidney failure, nerve damage, blindness, heart attacks, strokes, poor blood circulation, hearing loss and many more.

A healthy lifestyle that includes a proper diet, exercise, proper sleep, less stress and so on plays a major role in controlling blood glucose levels. A diabetes diet plan should include foods that are high in nutrients, low in fat, moderate in calories and few sugary foods.

As fruits are generally sweet, people often think that a diabetic person should avoid eating them. But there are several fruits that are particularly effective at managing blood sugar. Packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients, fruits are a healthy addition to any diet.

Some fruits are better than others for diabetics. Moreover, diabetics also need to consider factors like glycemic index and glycemic load as they offer information on how different foods affect blood sugar and insulin levels.

Low glycemic index foods are believed to have a beneficial effect on blood glucose control as they do not significantly impact blood sugar levels. Usually, foods with a glycemic index score of 55 and below are classified as low glycemic index foods. Those with a glycemic index score of 70 and above are considered high glycemic index foods.

Here are the top 10 fruits for diabetics.

1. Apples
The crunchy, juicy and sweet apples may offer protection against diabetes. Apples are high in soluble fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants. They also contain pectin that helps detoxify the body and remove harmful waste products as well as lowers the insulin requirements of diabetics by up to 35%.
Plus, apples help prevent heart attacks, reduce the risk of cancer and ward off eye diseases among diabetic people.

Glycemic index: ranges from 30 to 50
Suggested serving size: One small to medium-sized apple daily is recommended.
2. Cherries
Cherries have one of the lowest ratings of any fruit on the glycemic index at 22. Cherries contain antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron, fiber and folate.
Plus, cherries contain anthocyanins that are known to help lower blood sugar by increasing insulin production by up to 50 percent. They also help fight heart disease, cancer and other diseases that are

Friday, April 21, 2017

Shirk - Definition and Types

Definition: Shirk is ascribing a partner to Allah in terms of His Rububiyyah and Uloohiyyah (worship). The common type of Shirk is the Shirk in Uloohiyyah, which entails supplicating others along with Allah , or dedicating to them worships such as, offerings, vows, reverence, fear, hope, and devotional love.

Shirk is the gravest of all sins due to the following:
1. It is resembling the creatures with the Creator in terms of the attributes of Divinity, for he who ascribes a partner to Allah ; he in effect resembles him with Him (Allah). This is the gravest injustice. Allah says:
“Verily, Shirk is gross injustice.” (Soorah Luqman  Chapter 31 Verse 13)
 Injustice signifies putting a thing in a wrong place. Thus, he who worships other than Allah , he places the worship in a place other than its own, and dedicates it to one who does not deserve it; hence, it is gross injustice.

2. Allah has stated that He does not forgive the one who does Shirk.
He says:
“Surely, Allah will not forgive (the sins of) ascribing partners to Him, but He will forgive whatever is short of that to whoever He wishes.” (Soorah An-Nisa  Chapter 4 Verse 48)
 3. Allah  has stated that a Mushrik (one who commits Shirk) shall be banned from Jannah (Paradise) and that he shall live in Hell-fire forever.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Aqeedah At-Tawheed ....The Introduction

Allah  has created the creatures to worship Him, and provided them with provisions to enable them to do that. Allah, the Exalted, said:
“And I have created Jinn and men only to worship Me. I want no sustenance from them, not do I want them to feed Me. Surely, it is Allah, Who is the Provider, The Powerful. (Soorah Az-Zariyat  Chapter 51 Verses 56-58).
 Man naturally acknowledges Allah’s divinity, loves Him, worships Him, and ascribes no partner to Him. But human and jinn devils who suggest to each other polished speech out of deception, corrupt his natural disposition, and lead them astray.

Tawheed (belief in the Oneness of Allah) is firmly instilled in human nature, while polytheism is accidental and intrusive Allah says:
“And remain steadfast on the religion of Islamic Monotheism, Allah's Fitrah with which He has created mankind. No change let there be in the religion of Allah, that is the straight religion.”(Soorah Ar-Rum Chapter 30 verse 30).
 Fitrah is the innate pure instinct inborn in every human, which recognizes the True Lord. Fitrah, if not corrupted leads one to the Belief in the Existence of Allah, the Exalted.

The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said:
“Every infant is born with Fitra but it is his parents who make him a Jew, or a Christian or a fire worshiper.” (Saheeh Al-Bukharee and Saheeh Muslim).
 Mankind in the beginning was a single nation upon true Tawheed. Subsequently and gradually Shaytan misguided them towards associating partners with Allah.

Polytheism and corruption in Aqeedah appeared first among the people of Noah (pbuh) who was the first Messenger of Allah.

According to a narration in Sahih Hadeeth:
Ibn Abbas (S) relates:
“Indeed these are five names of righteous men from the people of Nooh (pbuh). When they died
Shaytaan whispered to their people to make statues of them and to place these statues in their places
of gathering as a reminder of them, so they did this. However, none from amongst them worshipped
these statues, until when they died and the purpose of the statues was forgotten. Then (the next
generation) began to worship them.” [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (11/418) and Saheeh Muslim (18/52)]

Aa'ishah (pbuh) reported that Umm Habeebah  and Umm Salamah  mentioned about a church they
had seen in Ethiopia in which there were pictures. They told the Prophet (pbuh) about it, on which he said:
“If any religious man died amongst those people they would build a place of worship at his grave and
make these pictures in it. They will be the worst creature in the Sight of Allah  on the Day of
Resurrection.” [Saheeh Al-Bukharee (vol.1; no.419) and Saheeh Muslim (vol.1;no.1076)]

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Jesus -- A Prophet Of God -- A Short Article To Clarify Issues Surrounding Jesus

Jesus is a figure who is loved and revered by billions of people around in world, yet there is much confusion surrounding this personality. Muslims and Christians both hold Jesus in high regard but view him in very different ways.
This Article aims to clarify the issues surrounding Jesus and the differences in the belief of Muslims and Christians. Some Important questions like:

  • Was Jesus God, or was he sent by God?
  • Who was the real historical Jesus? 

would be answered below.

Jesus- As God? 
Some Christians claim that "Jesus is God" or part of a trinity - that he is the incarnation of God on earth, and that God took on a human form. However according to Bible, Jesus was born, he ate, slept, prayed and had limited knowledge- all attributes making him a human and not befitting God.
God has attributes of perfection whereas Man is the opposite. How can anything be two complete opposites occur simultaneously.
Islam teaches that God is always perfect. To believe that God became a man is to claim that God is or was (at some point in time), imperfect. Those who believe that Jesus was God should ask themselves how is it possible for god to be a weak helpless child, who needs food and sleep etc, The answer is a Sure No.
Again one may ask ; '" If God can do anything, why can't he become a man? " The answer to this query is that by definition, God does not do ungodly acts, God does not do anything that would make Him, something other than God. if God became man and took on human attributes, he would, necessarily, no longer be God.
Some ambiguous verses of the Bible can be applied erroneously to show that Jesus is in some way divine, but if we look at the clear direct verses of the Bible, we see again and again that Jesus is being referred to as an extraordinary human being and nothing more. The Bible contains many verses in which Jesus speaks and behaves as if God is a separate being to himself
For example:
Jesus fell on his face and prayed (Matthew 26:39)
If Jesus was god , then would a god fall on his face and pray? and who would he be praying to?

The Bible calls Jesus a Prophet (Matthew 21:10-11), so how could Jesus be God and be God's prophet at the same time?
Jesus said: I am going to Father, because the Father is greater than me. (John 14:28)
Jesus said: I ascend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God, and your God. (John 20:17)
If Jesus was God, then why would he say "to my God and your God" and who was he ascending to?

If Jesus was God , he would have clearly told people to worship him, and there would be clear verses in the Bible stating this, yet he did the opposite and disapproved anyone worshiping him.
 And in vain they worship me (Matthew 15:9)

Son Of God ?
Some Christians claim that Jesus is the son of God. What does this actually mean?Surely God is far removed from having a physical and literal son. Humans have human children, Cats have kittens, What does it mean for God to have a child?
Rather than being taken literally, we find the term " Son of God" is symbolically used in the earliest biblical languages for a 'righteous person' and has been used for David, Solomon and Israel, and not exclusively for Jesus.
In fact, anyone who is righteous is referred to as God's son.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Introduction To Mental Health And Illness

Introduction: Like many subject understanding mental health is complex and consists of different terms and definitions. For many people being diagnosed with a mental illness is stigmatizing experience.
It is important to understand that all human being at some point in their life are affected by mental distress , that may be due to stress at work, due to loss of a family member or a close friend etc but not all of them suffer from a metal disorder that could be named and given a diagnosis.
Only some group of people suffer from certain medical conditions that could be diagnosed as mental or psychiatric disorders.
Mental disorders may need treatment just like other illness like diabetes or heart disease but at times it is difficult to mange patients with mental illness because patient's acceptance for the illness, use of medications or counselling alone, and needs for hospitalization differ.

One way of understanding mental distress is to view it from the stand point of those who have experienced it.

Definition Of Mental Illness: A mental illness is a disease that causes mild to severe disturbances in thought and/or behavior, resulting in an inability to cope with life’s ordinary demands and routines.

There are more than 200 classified forms of mental illness. Some of the more common disorders are depression, bipolar disorder, dementia, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders. Symptoms may include changes in mood, personality, personal habits and/or social withdrawal.

Violence And Mental Illness Are Usually Not Connected: it is a misperception by majority of the people that the violence caused in the society is from mentally sick people which is not true. Instead studies have shown that people who act violently are mostly young males of low socioeconomic status and under the influence of drugs or alcohol and not any mental medical condition.
The media presents a picture of links with metal distress and violent behavior and this leads to people not getting medical help for their mental illness as they are scared to be rejected by the society.

Relation Between Public Health And Mental Health: 
The term public health has two meaning:

Monday, January 30, 2017

Nutritional Value In An Orange

Juicy and sweet and renowned for its concentration of vitamin C, oranges make the perfect and a healthy snack. 

Oranges are generally available from winter through summer with seasonal variations depending on the variety.

Oranges are round citrus fruits with finely-textured skins that are, of course, orange in color just like their pulpy flesh; the skin can vary in thickness from very thin to very thick. Oranges usually range from approximately two to three inches in diameter.

Nutritional Value: 

Surah At-Taubah Chapter 9 Verse 72