Saturday, November 1, 2014

Violence Against Woman In Christianic World

Introduction: The status of women in the society is neither a new issue nor it has ever been settled. This issue has been discussed by people since centuries and the most of them who are raising their voice are the one from the western world. They are in the control of the media and show that the third world countries and mainly the Muslims subjugate the women and deprive them of their rights.
The actual thing is totally different. The Western talk of women's freedom is in real a disguised form of deprivation of her honor and using her as a mere tool to seek pleasure.

USA has one of the highest rates of Rape:
USA is supposed to be one of the most advanced countries in the world. but it has the highest rate of rape. The majority of its population are the Christians. and the statistics mentioned here are also conducted by themselves.

Different Statistics:
1. According to FBI report in year 1990, every day 1756 cases of rape were committed in USA.
2. Over 22 million women are raped in USA in their life time  ( Survey National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2010  )
3. 18.3 % of woman survive a completed or attempted rape in United states. Of them 12.3% were younger than age 12 years ( Survey National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2010 ) 
4. One out of every five American women have been a victim of an attempted or complete rape during her life time ( The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2010 )
5.In United states 83% of girls in schools grade 8 through 11 have experienced some sort of sexual harassment in public school ( Data taken from national representative study American association of University women 2001) 
6. According to a survey conducted in Australia in year 2006 The personal safety survey(2006) nearly two third (57%) of Australian women reports experiencing at least one incident of either physical or sexual violence by a man in her life time. 
7 According to an article published in Houston chronicle in October 2014 , central American countries are among the nations with highest rate of women killed per 100,000 female population from year 2004-2009. 
 It is really surprising as people who themselves are actually speaking about the women rights have the highest rates of abuse and violence against women.This Christian world tries to create misconceptions and hide their own truth. 
Instead Islam is the only way of life that protects the women rights and let them live an honorable, respectable and protected life. 

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