Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Celebrating Christmas....???

Millions of people around the world celebrate 25th December as Christmas. If you ask them why do they celebrate this day you will get an answer like it was the day when Jesus was born, or that they celebrate it because they have seen it being a festival since they were young and that because everyone celebrates it.

A few question regarding Christmas are :

1. Was Jesus Really born On 25th of December?
2. Where in the Bible does it say to celebrate Christmas?
3. Did Paul, the apostles and the early church of the New testament celebrate Christmas?
4. What is the truth behind putting up a Christmas tree?
5.Why do most people celebrate Christmas?

 Let us discuss shortly about all theses question one by one.

1. Was Jesus Really Born on 25th Of December?
There is no clear proof that Jesus was born on 25th of December. This date was just chosen some long time ago and instead it coincides with the pagans festival held in the winter. The truth is that Jesus was not even born in winter season. The proof is from the Bible where it mentions about the time when the Christ baby was born in the Gospel Of Luke chapter 2 verse 8:
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by the night. 
This could never have occurred in the month of December. it was an ancient custom at that time to send out sheep to the fields and desserts about the pass over in early spring and bring them home at the commencement of first rain. Late Decembers are usually very cold and no shepherd could keep their fragile flock in the open fields at that time so it is not possible that Jesus could have born in the month of December. The exact date of Jesus's birth is entirely unknown and if God really wanted us to celebrate this day it would have not been kept hidden.

2. Where in the Bible does it say to celebrate Christmas?
No where in the Bible does it say to celebrate Christmas. It is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible to celebrate this day not their is any proof that Jesus himself celebrated his Birthday. The origin of Christmas has nothing to do with the Bible. If this day really honors the birth of Jesus one should think that why did Jesus never taught his apostles to keep Christmas? And why not his closest followers and the early church celebrate Christmas?
The true origin of Christmas in fact comes from an ancient pagan festival. The pagans celebrated 25th December as a birthday of an ancient sun god mithras.
The Bible clearly mentions not to invent or add anything other then that which is taught and so if Christmas is adopted a way to honor Jesus it is not according to the teachings of bible. It mentions in the Book of Deuteronomy chapter 12 verse 28 :
"Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it."
3.  Did Paul, the apostles and the early church of the New testament celebrate Christmas? 
The answer is a clear NO. Christmas is a holiday from a pagan origin. it has nothing to do with spirituality and Christianity.

4. What is the truth behind putting up a Christmas tree? 
Putting up a tree for religious purposes is again a pagan custom. The pagans used to do tree worship and put a tree at the entrance or inside the house in the mid winter holidays. Instead it is indicated that putting up a tree as a means of religious symbol is close to idolatry. According to Bible in The Book Of Jeremiah chapter 10 verses 26:
Thus saith the lord, learn not the way of the heathen... For the customs of the people are vain: for one cut a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. they deck it with silver and with gold, they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. Be not afraid of them for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good. They are not gods to be feared.
This is the perfect description of the Christmas tree as the custom of the people. It is commanded not to follow or learn the way of those pagans and idol worshipers.

5.Why do most people celebrate Christmas?
It is just because every one celebrates. Because it is a time to do shopping, have fun and exchange gifts. One sees it being celebrated since they were young and that many believe it to be the birthday of Jesus. But the truth is that it has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus nor it is anywhere mentioned in the Bible. Read the religious scriptures, go to internet and do a research and stop following something just because everyone does it.

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