Sunday, December 14, 2014

New Thinking On Alzheimer's Disease

Rates of Alzheimer's disease in the USA are not climbing as fast as they were in the past, may be because people are getting their blood pressure and cholesterol under control- two heart healthy measures that may also be good for the brain and somehow helping in prevention or delaying Alzheimer's disease.

Prevention Is The Key!
A half-dozen trials are under way to test whether life style changes that are good for heart such as exercising and adopting a healthy diet free from fat can some how also prevent and postpone Alzheimer's disease.

Brain Stimulation Works
Many types of brain stimulation devices are being tested not only to treat and prevent Alzheimer's disease, but also to improve cognition in people without dementia. Some of these devices are implanted into the brain and some are worn externally like a head band.

Get Walking
For keeping your brain healthy, research shows that walking is as good as running, as it enhances blood supply to the brain and the memory centers.

This article has been taken from a publication by P Murali Doraiswamy a director of neuro cognitive disorders at Duke University.

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