Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Muslims Celebrating Christmas? It is Not Allowed....

It is prohibited for Muslims to celebrate Christmas and other christian festivals. A Muslim should be proud of his own identity and first of all understand the meaning of Christmas before following others blindly and saying that it is just a way to enjoy a holiday and have fun with friends and family.
According to the Christian faith Jesus (pbuh) is the son of God and Christmas is celebrated as his birthday. It is a great sin to believe God having a son and so Muslims are not allowed to wish or celebrate Christmas.
The Holy Quran clearly mentions in Surah mariam chapter 19 verses 88-92:
They say God (Allah) Most Gracious has begotten a son. Indeed you have put forth a thing most monstrous!As if the skies are ready to burst, the earth to split assunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin, that they should invoke a son for Allah most Gracious. For it is not consonant with the mejestiy of God Most gracious that He should beget a son. 
Begetting is a lower animal function of sex which can never be attributed to God. If anyone says or believes God having a son it means he dishonors the majesty of God.

Again it is mentioned i the Holy Quran surah Ikhlas chapter 112 verse 3:
He begets not, nor is He begotten.
Many of us will be surprised to know that the religious book of Christians themselves The Holy Bible itself has nothing mentioned about Christmas nor  there is any proof that Jesus (pbuh) was born on 25th of December. instead it i just a custom taken from the ancient pagans who celebrated this day as the birthday of the sun god in winter.

It is one of the greatest danger for today's generation to slowly lose their Islamic faith. Many Muslims argue saying that Christmas is just the celebration of Prophet Jesus birthday and that there is no harm in celebrating it. If it is so then why Our last prophet Mohammad (pbuh) never celebrated this birthday. Why do we not celebrate the birthdays of the other 24 prophets and messengers all of whose names are mentioned in the Quran? Why is that nothing is mentioned about celebrating this day in Holy Quran? The answer is simply because Allah don't want us to celebrate this day and that we should not follow the disbelievers.

According to am authentic Hadeeth In Sahih Bukhari and Shaih Muslim Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) clearly said not to invent anything new in religion:
Whoever introduces something in our matter (religion) that does not originally belong to it, it will be rejected.
A Muslim should be proud of his identity and thankful to Allah for His great blessings. There is no need to follow the disbelievers and their traditions.

Allah says in the Holy Quran in Surah Al baqarah chapter 2 verse 109:
Many of the people of the scripture( the Jews and Christians) wish that they could turn you away as disbelievers after you have believed, from selfish envy, after the truth has become manifest unto you, but forgive and overlook, till Allah accomplish His purpose, verily Allah has power over all things. 
The disbelievers want Muslims to go away from the straight path and to cut the relations with their true religion. Muslims should avoid the non -Muslim celebrations including Christmas.

If it is a matter of getting together with the family and having fun and eating  we Muslims have our own days to celebrate that is the two Eids. the Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul- Adha. Muslims should give attention to our festivals and also help their children understand the true meaning of these days and how to celebrate it. Taking interest in our own culture will help identify our religion and protect from getting involved with non-Islamic traditions and cultures.

It is important to make it clear that all Muslims believe in Jesus (pbuh) as the prophet and messenger of God. We respect him as well as believe in the miraculous virgin birth and the miracles of prophet Jesus (pbuh) . it is mention in the Holy Quran in surah Ambiya chapter 21 verse91:
And (remember) her (Mary) who guarded her chastity ; We breathed into her of Our spirit and We made her (Mary) and her son ( Jesus) a sign for all people. 
A similar message is repeated in holy Quran surah al baqarah chapter 2 verse 87:
....We gave Jesus, the son of Mary clear signs and strengthened him with the holy spirit.....
Prophet Jesus speaking as a baby in mother's lap is mentioned in Quram in Surah Mariam chapter 19 verse 30-35:
He (Jesus) said; I am indeed a servant of God, he has given me the book and made me a prophet and He has blessed me where ever i may be. And He has enjoined on me prayer and charity as long as I live. He has made me kind to my mother and not over bearing or miserable. So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that i shall be raised up to life again. 
 Such was Jesus the son of Marry , it is a statement of truth, about which they dispute. it is not befitting to (the majesty) of Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! when he determines, he only says to it Be and it is. 
May Allah guide us all to the true path. Ameen.

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