Saturday, October 11, 2014

Complications Of Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a condition which consists of a triad of proteinuria (> 3 g/24 hrs), hypoalbuminaemia (albumin <25g/L) and edema.Severe hyperlipedaemia is often present. (total cholestrol>10mmol/L)

Patients suffering from Nephrotic syndrome may have many complication due to underlying disturbance in the body function. some of them are briefly described here:

1. Increased susceptibility to Infections: Infections eg cellulitis, streptococcus infections and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis happen in upto 20% of adult patients. It is because of decreased serum IgG and decreased complement levels. Also T cell function is decreased due in part to loss of immunoglobulin in urine and also due to effect of immunosuppresssive treatments.

2. Thromboembolism:Conditions like deep vein trombosis and pulmonary embolism may occur due to increased clotting factors and platelet abnormalities.

3. Hyperlipidaemia: Increased cholesterol and triglycerides are thought to be due to hepatic lipoprotein synthesis in response to low oncotic pressure.

4. Poor Nutrition: Loss of too much blood protein may lead to malnutrition and weight loss but it is usually not readily observed due to masking effect of edema.

5.High Blood pressure: damage to the glomeruli and the resulting build up of wastes in the blood stream can lead to a high blood pressure.

6. Chronic Renal failure: Nephrotic syndrome causes kidneys to gradually loose their function ultimately leading to chronic renal failure and a need for dialysis or kidney transplant.

7. Hypocalcemia: Due to decling kidney function and decreased vitamin D levels which is synthsized in the kidney, there may be decreased blood calcium levels as vitamin D is required for calcium absorption.

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