Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Personality Types-The Psychological Classification Of Different Individuals

Personality type is the psychological classification of  different types of individuals. The type usually explains the qualitative differences between different individuals.

The Carl G Jung's Theory Of Personality Types:
According to this theory proposed by Jung in 1971 people can be characterized by:
1. By preference of general attitude into either Extraverted OR Introverted
2.By preference of function of perception into either Sensing OR Intuition
3.By Preference of function of judging into either Thinking VS Feeling
4.And finally in a person the function of judging or the function of perception may be dominant so  Judging VS Perceiving.

When all these characteristics are combined they yield 16 different types of personalities. Each personality type can be assigned a 4 letter acronym of corresponding combination of preferences:

1. ISTJ ( Introverted sensing thinking judging ): The duty Fulfiller 
These individuals are serious and quiet, and interested in peaceful living. They are loyal and faithful and usually accomplish the task once they have set their mind to it. Their reliability cannot be doubted. 

2. ISTP (Introverted sensing thinking perceiving ): The Mechanic
These individuals are quiet and reserved with excellent skills on mechanical thinking. They have an adventurous spirit and are attracted to action and are usually fearless. They are bold and behave very well in crisis situations.

3. ISFJ (Introverted sensing feeling judging ): The Nurturer 

These individuals are kind, quiet and have a well developed sense of space and function. They are very kind hearted and believe in the best of people. They are aware of their own internal feelings as well as other people feelings. They are always ready to defend their loved ones.

4. ISFP (Introverted sensing feeling perceiving ): The Artist
These individuals are serious, quiet and do not like conflict. They are flexible and open minded and are always ready to explore and experience something new. They are very close caring to those who are close to them.

5. INFJ (Introverted Intuitive feeling judging ): The Protector
These individuals are sensitive and original.They tend to stick to things until they are done. This is one of the rare type of personalities. They usually make loving parents with a very strong attachment with their offsprings. In work place they usually show up in areas where they can be creative and somewhat independent.

6. INFP (Introverted Intuitive feeling perception ): The Idealist
These individuals are kind , poetic and always eager to help for a good cause. They are interested in serving humanity and are extremely loyal. They have very high standards and need perfectness in every thing. 

7. INTJ (Introverted intuitive thinking judging ): The Scientist 
These individuals are independent, original, analytical and determined.They can play good leadership roles. They have an imaginative thinking with a plan for everything.

8. INTP ( Introverted intuitive thinking perceiving ): The Thinker
These individuals are logical with creative minds. Their minds work continuously to create new theories. They are tolerant and flexible in most situations. 

9. ESTP (Extraverted sensing thinking perceiving): The Doer
These individuals are outgoing and straight forward risk takers. They are very smart and energetic and focus on immediate results. 

10. ESTJ ( Extraverted sensing thinking judging) : The Guardian
These individuals are practical, traditional and organized. They always try to make sure things are running smoothly and systematically. This personality type is usually a model citizen and a pillar of the community. When under stress they feel isolated from others. They put a lot of effort in almost everything they do. 

11. ESFP ( Extraverted sensing feeling perceiving ): The Performer
These individuals are people loving and fun oriented. Life is never boring around them. Have a well developed common sense and practical ability. 

12. ESFJ (Extraverted sensing feeling judging): The Caregiver
These individuals are warmly interested in others and love people. They are very giving people and have a great need of to be liked and be in control. Always eager to help others.

13. ENFP (Extraverted intuitive feeling perceiving): The Inspirer 
These individuals are idealists and creative and ready to do anything that interest them. these are people with great skills. 

14. ENFJ (Extraverted intuitive feeling judging ): The Giver
These individulals make inspiring leaders. They are sensitive and really concern for what others think and feel. They are generally happy people with a strong need for a close intimate relationship. 

15, ENTP (Exraverted intuitive thinking perceving): The Visionary
These individuals are creative, resourceful and quick intellectually. good at a broad range of things.

16. ENTJ(Extraverted intuitive thinking judging ): The Executive
These individuals are outspoken with excellent ability to understand difficult problems and bring out solid solutions to them. They dislike to see mistakes and have no patience with inefficiency. 

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