Monday, October 13, 2014

Postpartum Exercise- Staying Fit and Active

Once the pregnancy is over , exercise helps in staying motivated and fit and also helps reducing the extra weight gained during pregnancy.
The American college of Obstetrician and gynecologists recommends that exercise can be resumed as soon as you feel fit for it.  But it is important to get an advice from the doctor or mod wife before you start any workout as every pregnancy and delivery are different.

Benefits of Exercise After Pregnancy:
Some of the benefits are summarized here:
Promotes weight loss and resuming normal pre-pregnancy weight.
Improves cardiovascular fitness
Restores muscle strength and tone
Boosts up the energy level and your mood
Improves the tone of the abdominal muscles
Relieves stress and helps prevent and recover from postpartum depression

When Can Exercise Be started?
It depends on how fit and active you were during your pregnancy as well as how did labor and delivery went on.
If you did regular exercise during pregnancy and if the baby birth went on smoothly without any complication light exercise may be started within a few days of birth.
The exercise should be taken more gradually if:
You didn't exercise during or before pregnancy
You had an assisted birth
Had a c-section

Simple Postnatal Exercises
1. In the first few days or weeks gentle lower belly and pelvic floor exercise helps the body to recover quickly. Contract the muscle you use to stop the urine flow. Hold for up to 10 secs and then release. Relax for 10 sec between contractions. Repeat 5 times.

2. Try the pelvic tilt a few times a  day which helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles
. Lie on the back on the floor with the knees bent. Flatten your back against the floor by tightening the abdominal muscles and bending your pelvis up slightly. Hold for up to 10 seconds. repeat 5 times.

3. Deep belly breathing with abdomen contractions can be done very easily. Just sit up and breath deeply Contract and hold your abds tightly while inhaling and relax while exhaling. Gradually increase the time you can hold your abds.

4. Walking is the simplest way to return to normal after giving birth. Starting with a gentle walk for a few minutes and gradually increases helps to restore the normal activity.

Things To Avoid:
Heavy workout and aerobics
Playing tennis
High Impact activity

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