Monday, October 20, 2014

Coping With Still Birth

Still birth is defined as death of a bay after 20 weeks of pregnancy but before delivery. Whenever parents deal with the death of their baby whether it may be early or late in pregnancy it is a great sense of disappointment, loss and suffering. 

Emotions That Affect Parents Who had a Still born Baby
The loss of the baby affects the parents in many different ways.  The dreams and expectations as well as plans to celebrate and welcome the new baby are shattered all at once. Most likely the parents experience atleast one of these symptoms and emotions:
  • Sadness
  • Unexplained crying
  • A loss of appetite
  • Loneliness and isolation
  • A sense of guilt
  • Anger and blame
  • Feeling of despair
  • Lack of concentration
  • Helplessness
  • Hopelessness
Statistics Of StillBirth
According to a national statistics 1 in every 200 pregnancies in United States end up in stillbirths. According to one other research it affect 25,000 families each year. It touches families of all races, religion and socio- economic status and in most cases it is an unexpected, sudden loss in an apparently normal pregnancy. 

Ways To Cope With the loss
Although no advice or words could take away the feelings of sadness that the parents suffer after loosing their unborn child but there are a few ways that can help them to cope up with the grief.

1. Let yourself grieve.
2. Tell your story, talk to supportive friends and family or may join a support group or find a therapist to talk to you.
3. Not every one grieves in the same way so it is important to be supportive to your partner and each one should try to understand the others feelings.
4. Prepare yourself to listen to all kind of comments from friends and family.
5. Find a way to honor and keep the memory of your baby by giving him/her a name and taking picture and footprints etc
6. Don't give up. It is generally a case that one stillbirth does not predict another one and be positive to get a rainbow baby soon.

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