Thursday, October 16, 2014

Walk 30 Minutes A Day- Stay Healthy

Walking is a great way to help improve and maintain your health. Just 30 minutes a day can help improve the function of heart and cardiovascular system, prevents obesity and burns out excess body fat, strengthen the bones and boosts up the muscle power.
An expert says that walking 30 minutes a day is equivalent to a 'magic pill' thah can prevent aging and premature death.

Minimum Daily Requirement Of Walking: 
To stay health and active research shows that minimum requirement is 30 minutes of daily walking. Walking does not need any training or fancy equipment and helps control weight naturally. It does not only have physical effect but also improves mental functioning and prevents anxiety and depression.

Speed and Length Of Walking:
When you start walking particularly for weight loss begin with a warm up session of about 5-10 minutes which helps the body to prepare and features an easy gait. During a weight loss walk the speed at which you should walk is known as 'determined pace' which means a pace characterized by noticeable breathing but in a way that it does not interfere with a conversation. This pace should be kept for a total of 30 minutes of walking and slowly the body gets conditioned to it.

Guidelines To Get the Most from Your Walk:
1. Make sure you have the right shoes because if the shoes are not comfortable you may get a foot pain. Also make sure the shoes you wear allow your feet to breath and provide a proper arch support.

2. If you cant walk for 30 consecutive minutes you can divide it up and do an interval training Also if you find difficult to get time to walk because of your busy working schedule you can walk during the lunch break, park the car at the furthest end of parking lot and also walking 3 times 10 minutes each through out the day is also perfectly ok.

3. Measuring your steps and keeping a record of daily 30 minute walk helps keep you motivated.

4. Massage your feet while going to bed helps prevent strain and removes anxiety and stress.

5. Make walking a part of your daily routine, try to walk the same time each day and try to use the same amount of energy every time.

6. Get a friend to walk with you or walk with your pet dog. You may also join a walking club. All this makes walking a pleasurable time.

Health Benefits of Walking:
1. Increases cardiovascular and pulmonary functioning and fitness.
2. Reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.
3. Improves management of conditions like high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol.
4. Makes bone stronger and provides balance.
5. Increases muscle strength.
6. Reduces body fat.

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